

    400電話永不占線:“400”用戶把企業所有的電話号碼設置在“400”号碼上,隻要撥打企業400電話就(jiù)會(huì)依次自動轉接到不占線的電話上,實現一次撥通永不占 線,給客戶帶來極大的方便,從而不錯失每一次商機!

Generally speaking, a mobile phone number is a few years or more use, and our 400 number can remain unchanged for life, no matter how many employees change, no matter where the enterprise moves, this 400 phone can find you, what number can never change, and there will be no busy problem for many enterprises. They all want to have such a number. The 400 phone number is just like this. Now 400 calls can make the phone never busy and keep the number unchanged.
400 telephone numbers remain unchanged for life. Anytime, anywhere: 400 is a real local call or 400 number. No matter how to change the address and telephone number of the enterprise, as long as the new telephone number is reset on the "400", it will not interrupt the contact with customers, so that the number will not change, fundamentally solve the problem of the enterprise relocation, which is also a more prominent 400 telephone advantage.
400 telephone never busy: "400" users set all the enterprise telephone numbers on the "400" number, as long as the enterprise 400 phone will be automatically transferred to the telephone is not busy, to achieve a call never busy, bring great convenience to customers, thus not miss every business opportunity!
In order to expand business more effectively, a 400 can bring great benefits to the company.

上一篇: 從安防領域看400電話的對(duì)于市場的重要性


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