
摘要:SEO優化 首先這(zhè)是一個動态行業,不像HTML語言就(jiù)不一樣(yàng),HTML語言你學(xué)會(huì)了,那就(jiù)是真的學(xué)會(huì)了。真的是很多年都(dōu)沒(méi)怎麼(me)變化的。但SEO這(zhè)玩意兒不一樣(yàng),搜索引擎是随時(shí)向(xiàng)前進(jìn)的,我們...









SEO optimization first is a dynamic industry, unlike HTML, HTML language you learned, that is really learned. It really hasn't changed much in many years. But SEO is not the same thing, search engines are always moving forward, we SEOer can only closely follow, so as not to lag behind, in this industry to survive.
SEO personal feeling is a special combination of technology, to understand too much, because around this technology up and down the game too much. And these factors have an impact on our website, such as your brand promotion is good, everyday someone searches your site brand words come to your site. This means that your site has a fixed user base, which is usually given a higher weight by search engines. Actually every website should march towards the brand site, only such website will be better and better in the future development, not to be downgraded by Baidu. Instead of looking at some SEO operators to do a few main keywords all day after doing nothing, do not know how to do a few simple main keywords on your site is far from the real success?
An important technology of SEO is to understand marketing, like marketing is also a big topic, perhaps worth everyone's lifetime to explore the big topic. In fact, the impact of marketing on SEO has become more and more large, because the emergence of new media symbolizes that we have come to the social era. And recently Baidu can share statistics to the data, I believe Baidu shares the various functions are becoming mature, and then these data will be used in the ranking. If a very good marketing person will be through a variety of channels to enhance the popularity of their website, marketing their company, and establish a reputation, forming a fixed group of fans. If you can make use of marketing to do this, many things will come true.
The above is the deep technology of SEO optimization.
The Internet is to move things off-line to the online, everyone watch the micro-blog, those fans are not all very well-known offline. We have to find the unmet user needs of the industry first. Those unmet user needs of the industry are ours. The opportunity for the rapid rise of new stations. If we need to do this keyword when the user needs are well met, then we need to find a differentiated competition strategy, we need to raise new questions, and then conduct new guidance, so that those old sites no longer have the same level of competition, only through this differentiated competition strategy. Only in this way can we gain an advantage in competition.
The way of thinking determines the way out. I believe you are familiar with this sentence. The author is also deeply moved to tell you where the feeling is. Many SEOer feel that they are very hard pressed to earn so much money and earn so little money. Is it really how much less skilled I am than others? Is it really that people work longer than me? Personally, that's not true. I remember at one SEO party, someone took an order of tens of millions, and the Commission was estimated to be at least a hundred thousand. People do those keywords are not fierce competition at all, and I do Taobao nearly 20,000 index words to Baidu home page, a month a thousand yuan, how big the gap, what is the idea you see it. If you want to find out what is the fastest cash flow in your industry, the most valuable traffic of SEO must be e-commerce. Why don't you make money by doing SEO?
SEO is a very comprehensive industry, I am talking about more downstream, because downstream changes a lot, many things are worth our lifetime to study hard. For example, some upstream station building knowledge, you spend a year to learn, learned to estimate a lifetime will not forget. So there's nothing to say about these dead technologies in the game, and the most important thing is that downstream these constantly changing, constantly advancing new things are really valuable. Everyone in doing SEO time vision a bit longer, a bit more relaxed, so that you will see a bit more comprehensive, do not think that SEO on a few things. In fact, you are far away from the experts? I hope that friends who do SEO will always maintain a learning mentality. The content of this article is shared by the original story of the stone fish, and I hope you will have a new understanding of learning SEO.

上一篇: 營銷推廣如何增加顧客粘度?


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