
摘要:自2003年以來,随著(zhe)中國(guó)電信 向(xiàng)綜合信息服務提供商轉型的加快,以及中國(guó)電信 對(duì)網絡視頻監控市場的良好(hǎo)預期,全球眼業務的地位在中國(guó)電信内部衆多的業務中迅速提升,投資規模逐...

自2003年以來,随著(zhe)中國(guó)電信 向(xiàng)“綜合信息服務提供商”轉型的加快,以及中國(guó)電信 對(duì)網絡視頻監控市場的良好(hǎo)預期,全球眼業務的地位在中國(guó)電信内部衆多的業務中迅速提升,投資規模逐年按幾何級數增加,使得中興 、華爲 、上海貝爾 等一批大型通訊産品提供商迅速介入,使視頻監控這(zhè)一安防業務IT化的速度也大大加快,互聯互通也面(miàn)臨著(zhe)越來越強大的競争。

   在移動互聯網 和智能(néng)終端飛速發(fā)展的今天,安防的外延也在不斷擴大,除了衍生出基于移動終端的視頻監控業務,其營銷模式也正跟随著(zhe)B2B的大潮擁抱移動互聯網。
  有機構通過(guò)調查百度 移動終端APP和PC端網頁中關于“佳都(dōu)新太公告拟收購天盈隆51%的股份”這(zhè)條新聞,分析顯示在APP上當天多次被(bèi)轉載、轉發(fā),而在PC端隻有一條新聞。這(zhè)麼(me)重要的新聞,大家都(dōu)不放在PC端的互聯網上,都(dōu)隻放在手機上面(miàn),這(zhè)就(jiù)是閱讀習慣的轉變,不是大家不關注安防了,是因爲關注的焦點、關注的方式都(dōu)放在手機上面(miàn)了,大家都(dōu)懶得到PC上看新聞,都(dōu)放在手機APP、微信圈進(jìn)行多次轉發(fā)。這(zhè)個現象值得我們注意,企業的營銷、傳播方式也正進(jìn)行著(zhe)變化,一定要注意到往移動互聯網遷移。特别是涉足民用安防市場、智能(néng)家居市場的企業,必須要關注移動互聯網的發(fā)展,與時(shí)俱進(jìn)。
  當400電話以現代通訊的最佳優勢,進(jìn)入社會(huì)各個領域,特别是進(jìn)入市場營銷,掀起(qǐ)了一次營銷革命後(hòu),衆多企業已率先申請了400電話。在現代不斷變化的市場環境下,企業創立市場品牌十分重要,企業隻有發(fā)揮品牌影響、體現經(jīng)營特色、完善市場服務方可不斷邁上更高的成(chéng)功階梯。400電話 爲企業聚集起(qǐ)競争新優勢,使企業市場營銷由被(bèi)動到主動的轉換,赢得的客戶越來越多,市場範圍不斷擴大。

Since 2003, with the acceleration of China Telecom's transformation to "Integrated Information Service Provider" and China Telecom's good expectation of the network video surveillance market, the status of global eye business has been rapidly promoted in numerous services within China Telecom, and the investment scale has been increasing year by year in geometric series, which has made ZTE and Huawei. With the rapid intervention of a number of large-scale telecommunication product providers, such as Shanghai Bell, the speed of IT-based video surveillance has been greatly accelerated, and the interconnection and interoperability are also facing increasingly strong competition.
Based on the popularity of security networking mode, security system in the construction and application level continues to expand, security "IT" has become a trend. For security enterprises, to extend the industrial chain, to the upstream cloud storage, cloud computing expansion, while extending to the downstream terminal products, build a complete video monitoring platform.
Through the above four levers, large data on market share, cost control, return on investment and user experience will play a great role in promoting. Among them, the benefit is more obvious in the retail industry, through the transaction process, product use and purchase behavior of data analysis and mining, in some cases through model simulation to determine the different variables in the case of which project investment return is the highest. According to McKinsey's estimates, if retailers can take full advantage of large data, their operating profit margin will have an average of 60% annual growth space, production efficiency will achieve an average of 0.5% - 1% annual growth.
Cloud technology is getting wider and wider in security.
In recent years, cloud computing has almost become a collection of all the current hot technologies. The application of cloud technology in the security industry is even more popular, dancing with large data in the security field, and with the development of intelligent city construction, the application of cloud technology in the security industry is deepening step by step. The advantages in the field of security have become increasingly prominent.
With the rapid development of mobile Internet and smart terminals, security extension is also expanding. In addition to deriving video surveillance services based on mobile terminals, its marketing model is also following the trend of B2B embracing mobile Internet.
With the popularity of the Internet and smart devices such as mobile phones, tablets, today's mobile Internet has become a hot area, we see more and more individuals, service providers have tried to dig the "gold mine" of the mobile Internet, in order to get a share in the future fierce market. Moreover, today's mobile Internet is becoming the third wave of technological development, the mobile Internet in the exploratory stage still faces many problems, such as business model is not clear, technological constraints and less success. But we see that the future development trend of mobile Internet has been clear, in the new wave of mobile Internet, who can seize this opportunity, who will inevitably win in the future market. It can be seen that security is a wise man with strong holes.
Since 2011, the attention of mobile terminals in security industry is increasing. Everyone from the original PC end, computer access, ran to the mobile Internet, ran to the mobile phone.
By investigating Baidu mobile terminal APP and PC web pages on the "Jiadu Xintai announcement to buy 51% of Tianyinglong" this news, analysis shows that APP was repeatedly reprinted and forwarded on the same day, and only one news on the PC side. So important news, we do not put on the PC end of the Internet, are only on the mobile phone, this is the change in reading habits, not everyone does not pay attention to security, because the focus of attention, the way of attention are placed on the mobile phone, we are lazy to get the PC to watch news, are placed in the mobile phone APP, Weixin circle. Multiple forwarding. This phenomenon deserves our attention. The marketing and communication methods of enterprises are also changing. We must pay attention to the migration to the mobile Internet. Especially in the civil security market, smart home market enterprises, we must pay attention to the development of mobile Internet, with the times.
As the most popular social tool in the past two years, Weixin, a free application for instant messaging services for smart terminals launched by Tencent in 2011, currently counts 600 million users. It has become an indispensable part of people's lives to share and forward information through Weixin friends and subscribe to public numbers for the latest information. At present, the application based on WeChat already has the following aspects: taxi, financing, shopping and payment. Imagine that if a visitor visits, you can authorize the visitor to open the door on the Wechat. This is the application of mobile security. This not only improves security while ensuring safety, but also brings new business models to security enterprises.
At present, many security companies have begun to build face-to-face end-user APPs on the mobile side, which is one way to embrace the mobile Internet.
In electronic business, security companies can also choose to cooperate with a number of e-commerce, such as Taobao Tianmao, Jingdong, Amazon, and explore a unique way of marketing, namely visual marketing and emotional marketing. Differentiated marketing must be done in the competitive market. In the face of civil security market, security enterprises must go through full market research, in the product, price, promotion strategy, etc.

上一篇: 400電話成(chéng)爲市場營銷必不可少的标識


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